1. How do Tuesday’s come so fast? I have really good intentions of posting the other 6 days of the week. It just doesn’t seem to happen.
2. I have a new job….catering! Well, not really. 🙂 I did help out a friend though. She is a Realtor and wanted to serve something different than the typical sandwiches for a open house she was having. We went with won ton wrappers formed into cups and filled with chicken salad. Also, cute little fruit kabobs. It was fun!

3. Here’s a custom design I did for a friends little girl. I love how it turned out. I will be adding it to my shop soon.

4. Here’s another custom design for a train themed party. Gotta add this to the shop too!

5. It was a rainy day so we spent time coloring and painting….and glittering the house. Seriously, how does glitter end up EVERYWHERE? I think it’s going to take years to get it all cleaned up.

6. I’m hoping the weather cooperates for our Sheryl Crow concert on Sunday at Ravinia.
7. I wish there was some way to keep Play-Doh colors seperate. I drive myself crazy trying to keep the kids from mixing the colors. I usually end up giving up, then the mixed up colors drive me nuts! Here’s Derek making trains.

8. Summer just started and we have just about every weekend planned. That means the summer is going to fly by.
9. I am determined to post something before next Tuesday rolls around again.
10. Finally 10! Gotta run…I have two little boys that need to go get haircuts!